Edrick Kho Channel Blog

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

My job(s) here in Saskatoon, SK

December 25, 2011 when l first arrived here in Canada, it was winter so l got a bit of “season shock” since there is no winter in the Philippines. After two weeks l got employed at Mcdonalds as a regular crew, got commended as Employee of the Month and was promoted as crew trainor after 3 months of employment. But l did not stay there long coz during that time my priority is to earn for more money. I got hired at Superstore as part time while working at McDonalds, by then l applied at Printwest too and got hired, but due to schedule et all, l quit at McDonalds and focused on my other 2 jobs. After few months l resigned at Printwest and got hired at Value Village. Few weeks after l resigned at Superstore and got hired at Walmart as CSR. I stayed for a year at Value Village then l got hired at The Bricks but l just stayed there for 12 days coz l didn’t be able to manage the pressure they put on me as a salesperson. During that time l am fulltime at Walmart and never stop till l got a part time job. While employed at Walmart, l got a part time at Best Western, Maple Leaf and Manos. November 2014, l got hired at Country Inn and Suites as a breakfast attendant, l am still employed at Walmart as full time too that time. Imagine how hard it is working 16 hours a day.
For some reason l resigned at Walmart after working there for almost 3 years, l focused on my job at the hotel but got a part time  at Mainstay Hotel as a cook. After l quit at Mainstay, l got hired at Irvine Foods as full time so lm back again with a 16 hours shift. Unfortunately l got laid off at Irvine after 6 months because of the recession at Canada during that time.
Year 2017, while lm still employed at Country Inn, l got hired at Tim Hortons 0297, but quit after 7 months co’z l went home for a vacation. February 2018, when l came back at Canada and got hired at Tim Hortons Marquis drive. After a month at Marquis, l resigned and moved to Tim Hortons  3844. There, l got offered a position so l decided to quit my job at County Inn last June and focused on my job at Tims. Now, l am currently a Supervisor, and l also had a part time cleaning job as an extra income.
Thank you for reading my story folks, till my next update. Merci!

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