Edrick Kho Channel Blog

Monday, August 27, 2018

Citizenship day (feb.9, 2017)

First and foremost, l'd like to thank our Almighty God for all the blessings He has given me, despite of some circumstances l believed l'm not worth of His grace. 5 years ago, l never thought l will be reaching this point in time that l will renounce my filipino citizenship in favor of others. Never in my life that the idea of  renouncing my old citizenship comes to mind co'z l value my family and my origin. But things changed, priorities come after another, lhei is already in the picture, l need to decide not only for myself but for the future of my family. Children here in Canada have a better future, life may be tough but you have nothing to worry when it comes to their education, and that is the primary reason why l chose to stay. I am proud to be canadian, not only by words, but also in actions. I will always promote the beauty of this country as diversity is always on the ground. #proudcanadian #canada150 #canadaday

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