Edrick Kho Channel Blog

Thursday, August 30, 2018

CISS Associate of the Year 2016

One of my unforgettable experience when l worked at hotel industry was  when l got awarded an Associate of the Quarter last July 2016 and chosen as Associate of the Year of the same year. The awarding took place after a year of winning wherein all winners of the 9 Airline Hotels property gathered at Saskatoon for the awarding and  “treat day.” 
We have a whole day activity that day, from a limousine ride, spa and sports activities, lunch and dinner, met the officers and owner, a lot more. Its truly one unforgettable experience. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Spongebob Collections

The young kid inside me didn’t stop even when l grew old. Infact,  l am  always fascinated of this cartoon character Spongebob even l am now on my 30’s๐Ÿ˜‚. Any merchandise that has spongebob design l end up buying it even sometimes it ends me empty pocket. I have a lot of spongbob items from cards, toys, art materials, clothes, beddings, ceramics etc. I bought majority of them here in Canada but some were from Philippines and Hongkong.
I decided to sell spongebob merchandise last year thru my facebook page, we manage to do few transactions but didn’t materialize because l am too busy on my wedding preparation last year. We stopped selling merchandise since me and my wife has no time for it anymore. Some of my spongebob items were left with my wife in the Philippines and l bought some with me here in Canada.
Until now there’s a lot of querries on our facebook page as we were still interested in selling merchandise. Actually we do, its a good online business though. But the only problem is that, its very costly for a customer if the spongebob they are ordering will gonna be coming all the way from Canada. Most of their money will just go on the tracking and l find it unfair fo them, that’ s why we stopped. 
Hopefully in the near future more spongebob items will be added in my collection. I’m just wishing for the best๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ™. Goodnight everyone. Thank you for reading.

Pho Chau Thinh (Vietnamese Restaurant)

                  Wednesday afternoon when l had a craving for a vietnamese roll so l decided to browse online for a restaurant near me and l found out the Pho Chau Thinh is few blocks away from my place. So l dialled my phone and ordered a vietnamese chicken roll. 10 minutes later l walked and went to their restaurant and decided to take out their rice noodle soup. They have at least 57 menu but l just tried 2, after all l can always come back hehehe.
So here is my verdict on their chicken roll:

Their chicken roll is made up fresh along with fine noodles, grilled chicken strips and lettuce. Their dip/sauce is made up of a peanut butter and probably fish sauce coz l can taste a salty flavor within the dip, and it taste good though. 
Their restaurant is known for the THE MOST FAMOUS BEEF NOODLE SOUP tagline really stands on their product. They have varieties of  meat, seafood and veggies along their soup but with this particular l just ordered a rice noodle soup with a beef brisket and beef balls. The soup is extremely amazing, the beef is so tender and taste really good.
                I am thinking of coming back  in their restaurant the soonest to try their other menu. 

Things you shouldn't care about

1. People who don’t care about you. The more you care, the less they’ll care.
    - just focus on valuing yourself, just give your energy to people who cares.

2. Toxic people. Don’t let their negative energy drain you.
   - refrain from accompanying negative people. If you think they just there messing  up your life,  avoid them, Period.

3. Age. It’s never too late or too soon.
  - opportunity has no limit nor end. Try to grab it while it's there.

4. Your past.
  - stop reliving the past, its done and you have nothing to do to bring it back. Focus on the present, make it right, make it worth so by the time comes you will never regret it.

5. Society’s beauty standards.
  - be natural, be yourself, be of what you want no matter what standard this society's set. Feel free to live the life you want to be.

6. What others think.
  - bear in mind that you cannot please everybody, by saying so, you cannot control them on saying what they perceive about you. Just ignore them and continue what makes you happy as long as it is in accordance of the law.

My job(s) here in Saskatoon, SK

December 25, 2011 when l first arrived here in Canada, it was winter so l got a bit of “season shock” since there is no winter in the Philippines. After two weeks l got employed at Mcdonalds as a regular crew, got commended as Employee of the Month and was promoted as crew trainor after 3 months of employment. But l did not stay there long coz during that time my priority is to earn for more money. I got hired at Superstore as part time while working at McDonalds, by then l applied at Printwest too and got hired, but due to schedule et all, l quit at McDonalds and focused on my other 2 jobs. After few months l resigned at Printwest and got hired at Value Village. Few weeks after l resigned at Superstore and got hired at Walmart as CSR. I stayed for a year at Value Village then l got hired at The Bricks but l just stayed there for 12 days coz l didn’t be able to manage the pressure they put on me as a salesperson. During that time l am fulltime at Walmart and never stop till l got a part time job. While employed at Walmart, l got a part time at Best Western, Maple Leaf and Manos. November 2014, l got hired at Country Inn and Suites as a breakfast attendant, l am still employed at Walmart as full time too that time. Imagine how hard it is working 16 hours a day.
For some reason l resigned at Walmart after working there for almost 3 years, l focused on my job at the hotel but got a part time  at Mainstay Hotel as a cook. After l quit at Mainstay, l got hired at Irvine Foods as full time so lm back again with a 16 hours shift. Unfortunately l got laid off at Irvine after 6 months because of the recession at Canada during that time.
Year 2017, while lm still employed at Country Inn, l got hired at Tim Hortons 0297, but quit after 7 months co’z l went home for a vacation. February 2018, when l came back at Canada and got hired at Tim Hortons Marquis drive. After a month at Marquis, l resigned and moved to Tim Hortons  3844. There, l got offered a position so l decided to quit my job at County Inn last June and focused on my job at Tims. Now, l am currently a Supervisor, and l also had a part time cleaning job as an extra income.
Thank you for reading my story folks, till my next update. Merci!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Old canadian cents collection

Being Canadian!

Life isn’t just about being comfort. It’s also about overcoming challenges and sharing accomplishment with other culture and that really is the difference. It takes a lifetime to build relationship where understanding occurs with having respecting and accepting different races and culture from different countries.

Being a Canadian Citizen for me is a dream come true, life changing experience and it is amazingly means everything to me. Canada is not only my home, but part of who I am as a person and I’ve been raised to be and how will I raised my future Family. My own national identity has changed greatly with every day that I gain knowledge of the world around me. Being Canadian has taught me many values and the importance of acceptance of cultural differences and diversities within their own society. For me Canada is one of the best countries to live in, the great nature and scenery found in this country makes my heart swell with gratitude. Being Canadian means to me a sense of pride. Pride with the highest level of integrity and inequality from the multicultural society. Merci beaucoup!